
86 West


86 West - a unisex fine fragrance

86 West was created to bridge the gap on the idea of fragrance and to produce a gender fluid product that deviates away from the stereotypical perception of masculine and feminine attributes. Differentiating how the combination of various notes blend to appease the interest of all has been tons of hours in market research.

Overall the idea of presenting well without speaking starts with your garments and your scent experience. Fragrances allow your presence to be felt, without any verbal action.

This all is much like I prefer my creative nature to be viewed: impactful without public know.


86 West

What and why Epyseen? In linguistics, the adjective "epicene" is used to describe a word that has only one form for both male and female referents. Epicene can also be a nonbinary gender identity. Launching right out of the gate as a unisex fragrance line, it was important to set a tone in an effort to appeal to all.

Leading Products: Finity AF and Arbane26

These two identities have meaning and are married to the idea of gender fluid product.
Finity AF is a flip on the root word, affinity. This provides a binding moment that pulls two together to have the opportunity to know they are suited for each other.
Arbane26 stems from the word urbane, which speaks to being courteous, refined, and polished in manner.

Finity AF

Crisp and aromatic, 86 West’s FINITY AF is a quintessential fragrance, portraying a reminiscent and indelible freshness, focused on the duality of a sweet approach and longevity.

Top: Sicilian Bergamot, Tunisian Rose
Heart: Jasmine
Base: Canadian Cedar


Ideal for never-ending explorers and aficionados of sensuality. Blood mandarin, Neroli, and Sandalwood introduce radiance into this conventionally warm, amber composition.

 Blood Mandarin, Sweet Almond
Heart: Neroli
Base: Sandalwood


OUD Ardur radiates a soothing intensity in sensuality. The sultry and exotic expression of OUD compliments the warm invitation of cashmere’s coziness. Opened by the alluring vanilla married by fresh lavender, the experience of OUD Ardur feels like a firm whisper igniting your senses.

 Fresh Lavender
 Warm Cashmere, Patchouli
Base:  OUD, Vanilla


Exploration and curiosity are important pillars at the intersection of identity development.


In history fragrances have been tied to confidence and assurance. Being able to have an impact on consumer’s confidence with product creation is an extremely gratifying but scary task. Unbeknownst to you, you can very well become a part of some of the greatest moments in the lives of your consumers and that has become a small goal; by creating product that becomes a part of one’s confidence.

This is all rooted in your brain’s smell code. Upon the first whiff of a fragrance, you can recall the fragrance again at a point in your life that then triggers a memory. One of the most notable is the wave of pumpkin spice. Upon reading that, whether it’s your favorite season of the year or you despise it, there’s a memory recall to moment-to-scent.

These are the moments I want to create. Your first date with a loved one that’s cherished forever. Tying a fragrance to an amazing vacation. Those moments!


Visit our retailers in Seattle, Washington and Omaha, Nebraska.


Your fragrance's experience extends beyond your scent, it's an accentuation of one's presence. Explore more.

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